Alamo Area Crime Prevention Association

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

TCOLE Course 2103 (24 hours)


  Registration Payment - TCPA/AACPA for CPTED Training  (01/04/2021 - 01/06/2021)

  (if paying by cash or check - registration is complete if registration form (step 1 above) has been submitted)

 $150.00 + $4.79                                $154.79
    Payment By Credit / Debit Card or by PayPal Amount: $250.00  + $10.00 processing fee ($260)

          Enter Payee's Name and Students Name and click "Buy Now" button to make payment
Payee's Name

Enter Students Name
(If different than payee's name)











TCPA Registration - May 2, 3, and 4, 2018

$ 250.00

                     Training Location:   Bexar County Sheriff's Office Training Academy

1450 Gillette Road, San Antonio, Texas 78224

Instructor:  Gilbert De La Portilla,
210-722-0523 (text OK)

Please remember to bring a LAPTOP, this course material is on a flash drive

Classes  9AM -6PM  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday