Officer Jerry Smith was the first President of the Alamo Area Crime Prevention Association, elected at the founding of the Association in 1984.  He was a visionary of Crime Prevention, being a founding member and the second elected President of the Texas Crime Prevention Association, serving between 1976 – 1977. 

Officer Smith had many roles during his distinguished career, serving as Chief of police in Leon Valley, Texas, Live Oak, Texas and Hondo, Texas.  Prior to taking the position of Chief of Police in Hondo, Texas, Office Smith served as the first regional Crime Prevention Specialist for the Alamo Area Council of Governments.  Officer Smith later returned to AACOG as the Criminal Justice Programs Manager, having oversight of grants for equipment and personnel for police agencies in the region.  Office Jerry  Smith died December 30, 1997 from an illness.  He was survived by his wife Vickie and his daughter Shannon.


This memorial web page was created
in the memory of our loved member





Rest In Peace

In Memory of Jerry W Smith

Born on December 16th, 1944
and passed away on
December 30th, 1997
at the age of 53 years